Taking a little blogging break for the holidays- too many things going on! :)
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Happy Holidays!
Posted by kamewh at 1:12 PM 3 comments
Labels: Christmas
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Homemade Ornaments
Posted by kamewh at 7:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: ornaments, preschooler
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Dirty foods
I came across this article on Yahoo Shine Healthy Living about the 5 dirtiest foods by Sarah Jio, Vitamin G, Glamour Magazine.
Among the top 5 are pre-washed bagged salads which I buy ALL of the time and no I don't re-wash them. I may start now though.
Here is some of the rest of the article:
"Eggs: While most eggs aren't going to make anyone sick, experts estimate that more than 2 million germy eggs (as in Salmonella infected) get into circulation each year, sickening 660,000 people each year and killing as many as 300. Um, maybe we should think twice about eating that cookie dough. How to buy cleaner eggs? Make sure the carton says they're pasteurized and never buy a dozen that contains any obvious cracks or leaks.
Peaches: They're pretty, but that's just skin-deep. Health experts warn that peach skins are doused in pesticides before they make it to grocery store to prevent blemishes. On average, a peach can contain as many as nine different pesticides, according to the USDA. This is one fruit you might want to buy organic (which may have blemishes, but won't have pesticides).
Pre-packaged salad mixes: Surprise! "Triple washed" doesn't mean germ-free say experts. Pathogens may still be lurking so be sure to wash your greens before tossing in your salad bowl.
Melons: Get ready to be grossed out. According to the article, "when the FDA sampled domestically grown cantaloupe, it found that 3.5 percent of the melons carried Salmonella and Shigella, the latter a bacteria normally passed person-to-person. Among imported cantaloupe, 7 percent tested positive for both bugs." Ewww. Your best bet: Scrub your melons with a little mild dish soap and warm water before slicing.
Scallions: Blamed for several recent outbreaks of Hepatitis A, and other bugs like the parasite Cryptosporidium, Shigella and Salmonella, scallions present a food safety problem because of the way they grow (in the dirt) and lack of proper washing. While you can't control what happens in restaurant kitchens, you can give them a super-duper washing at home before cooking with.
Other dirty foods in the article include chicken, ground beef and turkey, raw oysters, and cold cuts.
The bottom line: Don't be afraid to eat these foods, just be aware of the precautions you need to take before enjoying them."
Posted by kamewh at 7:36 AM 2 comments
Labels: dirty foods
Monday, December 15, 2008
Christmas Cookies are finally done!
1 pkg. (8 oz.) PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese, softened
decorations: chopped PLANTERS COCKTAIL Peanuts, multi-colored sprinkles
Posted by kamewh at 6:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: Christmas cookies, recipe, truffles
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Posted by kamewh at 8:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: snowman kit
Friday, December 12, 2008
Winter Wonderland

Posted by kamewh at 9:51 AM 1 comments
Labels: Christmas lights, Winter Wonderland
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Book Review: CROSS COUNTRY by James Patterson
I have always enjoyed James Patterson’s books, although I have not read one for about the past year or so. When I was given the opportunity to review his newest book CROSS COUNTRY, I jumped at the chance. CROSS COUNTRY is Patterson’s 14th book featuring one of my favorite Patterson characters, Alex Cross. Since I had last read an Alex Cross novel there had been a few changes in his life, but after a few pages I was easily brought up to speed.
Here is the book description from the Hachette Book Group website:
“When the home of Alex Cross's oldest friend, Ellie Cox, is turned into the worst murder scene Alex has ever seen, the destruction leads him to believe that he's chasing a horrible new breed of killer. As Alex and his girlfriend, Brianna Stone, become entangled in the deadly Nigerian underworld of Washington D.C., what they discover is shocking: a stunningly organized gang of lethal teenagers headed by a powerful, diabolical man--the African warlord known as the Tiger. Just when the detectives think they're closing in on the elusive murderer, the Tiger disappears into thin air. Tracking him to Africa, Alex knows that he must follow. Alone.”
I found the premise of the book to be very interesting. I wasn’t too sure about Alex just hopping on a plane to go to Africa to track the Tiger. It just did not seem very believable. It is something that I don’t believe would ever happen in real life. However, the book is fiction and these things can happen in a fictional novel. Once I got past that part I did enjoy the fast-paced thriller!
I really enjoy reading about Alex Cross and his adventures. CROSS COUNTRY was a little different from the previous novels that I had read as most of the prior books were set in Washington D.C. where Cross is based. However, I did enjoy the change of venue as it mixed things up a little bit. This book also contains more than Patterson’s usual share of graphic violence, but he was using the events to illustrate points, such as the real-life current situation in Africa, and this he did very well.
Like Patterson's previous books, CROSS COUNTRY is an action-packed read with never a dull moment. I look forward to reading more of Patterson in the future and at the rate which he puts out books the wait shouldn’t be too long!
Posted by kamewh at 9:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: Alex Cross, Cross Country, James Patterson
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Member's Mark Spinach & Asiago Chicken Sausage
Posted by kamewh at 6:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: chicken sausage, sam's club, spinach
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Why do we use evergreen trees as Christmas trees?
"It’s the holiday season and many preschoolers will be hanging ornaments on their Christmas tree. But has your preschooler asked why they can’t have the Maple tree from their backyard for a Christmas tree? If so, this Christmas tree botany lesson is for you.
What is an Evergreen Tree?
Simply put, an evergreen tree is a tree that does not lose its leaves, also called foliage, in winter. An evergreen tree’s leaves are called pine needles. They are long, dark green, and pointy. They do not look like deciduous tree leaves. A deciduous tree is a tree that loses its leaves in the winter to conserve energy so that it can live through the winter months that generally do not produce enough water to sustain the tree.
So why do evergreen trees live through the winter? Help your preschooler use his observation skills to understand why an evergreen tree lives all year long.
Step One: Observe
Pick up a deciduous leaf and an evergreen pine needle. Examine them both closely. What are the differences? What are the similarities?
The main difference you will find is that the pine needle is waxy and long while the deciduous leaf is flat and somewhat dry depending on the leaf type. The waxy layer of the evergreen needle serves to hold water in.
Step Two: Experiment
Take two plastic containers. Put them both outside on a sunny day, one with a lid and one without. At the end of the day which one has more water in it? The one with the lid should. This is just like the waxy cover of the Evergreen tree. It keeps the tree alive in the winter and thus makes a great Christmas tree!
If you don’t have evergreen trees nearby to observe a fake evergreen holiday decoration may serve just as well. The main idea of the observation is to see the waxy cover on the evergreen needle. Certainly a fake pine needle will feel waxy!"
Posted by kamewh at 6:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Christmas tree, evergreen, preschool, science
Monday, December 8, 2008
Jar Mixes

Jar mixes made great gifts! They are easy and inexpensive to make, they look nice, and they are a useful gift for the recipient. I think that this year these are what I am going to make for teachers, mailperson, etc. Christmas gifts.
Yummy Bar Mix (from Delish and Quick & Simple)
Mix Ingredients:
2 cup(s) biscuit mix
1 cup(s) brown sugar
1/2 cup(s) miniature candy-coated chocolate pieces (such as M&M's baking bits)
1/2 cup(s) quick-cooking oatmeal
1/2 cup(s) (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened
1 large egg
1 teaspoon(s) vanilla extract
1. Mix directions: Wash and thoroughly dry a 1-quart, wide-mouth canning jar. Layer the ingredients as level as possible in this order: 1 cup biscuit mix, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1 cup biscuit mix, 1/2 cup brown sugar, the candies and the oatmeal. Secure the lid and decorate the jar as desired. Be sure to attach the instructions for making the bars.
2. Treats directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease an 8-inch square baking pan. Transfer all of the jar ingredients to a medium bowl and stir until well blended; set aside.
3. Cream butter, egg and vanilla in a large bowl with a wooden spoon, fork or an electric mixer set on low speed.
4. Add dry ingredients to butter mixture and stir with a wooden spoon until well combined.
5. Spread batter evenly in the prepared pan and bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool completely in the pan before cutting into 16 squares. Serve immediately or store in an airtight container for up to a week.
Posted by kamewh at 5:58 AM 1 comments
Labels: bar recipe, homemade gifts, jar mixes
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Natural Remedies for Winter Sicknesses
"If dry skin has already set in, set about soothing and restoring cracked, itchy spots with this natural salve:
"A pellet or wood stove can be an efficient way to warm your home, but it can also leave you walking away with a burn.
For minor burns, slice a tomato and apply it to the burn, allowing the juice to fully dry. Tomatoes have nature's healthiest dose of lycopene, which is anti-inflammatory.
Posted by kamewh at 5:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: carrots, celery, cold, cough, honey, natural remedies, thyme, tomatoes
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Caramel Pecan Cookies
The notices are starting to come home from school requesting treats for the Christmas program, a gift for the holiday party, recipes for a Christmas recipe book they are making, etc.
I have always been very boring with my Christmas cookies. I usually just make the traditional cut-out cookies and frost and decorate them. This year, I am going to try some new recipes and I am going to start with these Caramel Pecan Cookies that I found on iVillage.
"Makes 2 dozen
Posted by kamewh at 6:33 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
Dora & Diego at the mall
Posted by kamewh at 11:33 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Window shopping at Dean & Deluca

Our Definitive Pantry includes:
Posted by kamewh at 8:50 AM 1 comments
Labels: cooking, dean and deluca, gifts, kitchen
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Gloves in a Bottle Reviewers Wanted
Pete at Gloves in a Bottle just e-mailed me to let me know that he will send product to any other bloggers willing to post a review on their website.
If you are interested in doing this please leave a comment with your e-mail address and I will send you his e-mail contact info.
It really is a great product!! (see my review below!)
Posted by kamewh at 1:35 PM 4 comments
Labels: glove in a bottle, review
Christmas Pictures
Taking the pictures for the Christmas Card is always quite a challenging experience! I always try to get the two children together and end up taking hundreds of pictures before I am able to get one that is even remotely decent. I just read in a magazine or somewhere about a mom who sent out a card with a collage of all of the not-so-great pictures.
I thought that was kind of a fun idea, but since I already did my cards for this year, maybe I will try it next year!
Posted by kamewh at 6:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: children, Christmas cards, pictures
Monday, December 1, 2008
Gloves in a Bottle
Here is more information from their website about how the product works:
"The outer layer of your skin consists of dead skin cells - it's a protective layer designed to protect the delicate living cells of the deeper layers of skin. This layer of skin needs to stay moisturized to protect the deeper layers of skin. In order to keep the moisture (water) from leaving the outer layer of skin, the skin produces natural oils. These oils also help keep irritants away from the deeper layers of skin. Regular washing with soap or exposure to chemicals can remove these natural oils.
When the natural oil is stripped from the outer layer of skin the moisture (water) quickly leaves the outer layer of skin leaving the skin dry, irritated, and itchy. Worse, the deeper layers of skin are left exposed to harsh damaging substances including detergents, solvents, cleaners, paint and thinners, gardening chemicals, dirt and grease, latex gloves and powder, etc.
This results in more dry, irritated, and itchy skin that becomes chapped, cracked and damaged.
Hand and skin lotions only replace natural oils with artificial ones. These offer temporary relief that does little to heal the skin. Regular use of lotions can actually cause the skin to produce less natural oils.
Gloves In A Bottle is a shielding lotion – it bonds with the outer layer of your skin and helps lock in your natural oils and moisture – the reason why dermatologists recommend Gloves as an effective dry skin treatment."
Posted by kamewh at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: dry hands, dry skin, gloves in a bottle
Yesterday was the first day that it really felt like winter! We got some more snow last night and it is super windy today. It takes us about 10 minutes longer to get out of the house to preschool in the morning with all of the hats, mittens, boots, etc.!
Posted by kamewh at 9:27 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Book Review: The Paper Bag Christmas
THE PAPER BAG CHRISTMAS begins in the year 1980 with Molar Alan and his brother Aaron visiting Santa in the mall. Even though they thought they were too old to see Santa, their parents insisted that go anyway. While in line the boys noticed that Santa was not letting the children sit on his lap, instead they were just standing by him and handing him their Christmas wish lists. Right before it was their turn, the Santa visits closed for a two hour lunch. However, Santa allowed the two boys to come and talk to him. It turns out that he was Dr. Christopher K. Ringle, a friend of their family. He had lost both of his legs and had inflatables underneath so as not to scare the children, but that was the reason that the kids could not sit on his lap.
Molar and Aaron had spent their entire time waiting in line writing down every toy and material thing on their list that they could possibly think of. When Dr. Ringle saw the list he paused and said this to them: “The things on your list are nice, I suppose. And yet, they miss the mark entirely when it comes to true Christmas joy. Boys, would you like to get something for Christmas better than everything you’ve written down?”” (p. 19) Dr. Ringle gave Molar and Aaron an address to be at on Monday night and told them that they were going to be his elves and help him out. When Molar and Aaron arrive on Monday they find out that the address is a Children’s Hospital. Through the relationships that they build with the patients, they learn the true meaning of Christmas.
THE PAPER BAG CHRISTMAS is an extremely touching and moving book. Watching the two boys discover that there is more to Christmas than the latest toys and mountains of presents was very heartwarming and emotional. While the book is small in size, it is definitely full of substance. It is amazing to me that Kevin Alan Milne is a first time author as, in my opinion, he rates up there with the best of them! This book would make an excellent gift for anyone this holiday season!
Posted by kamewh at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: book review, Kevin Alan Milne, The Paper Bag Christmas
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thanksgiving Menu
Spinach Dip with Bread Bowl
Creamy Crab and Red Pepper Spread with Crackers
Main dish
Deviled Eggs
Pistachio Salad
Veggies & Dip
Mashed Potatoes
Cranberry/Apple Sauce (pictured above)
Pea casserole
Sweet Potato Casserole
Dinner Rolls
Cranberry Sorbet
Pecan Pie
Pumpkin Pie
Apple Crisp
Sierra Mist
Sierra Mist Free
Crock Pot Pumpkin Spiced Latte
Posted by kamewh at 8:09 AM 3 comments
Labels: food, menu. recipes, Thanksgiving
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Let's Say Thanks in Support of Our Troops
Xerox is committed to helping people across the nation express their gratitude to our troops overseas. The launch of this program is aimed at reminding them how much Americans appreciate their service."
Posted by kamewh at 7:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: let's say thanks, soldiers, xerox
Friday, November 21, 2008
Product Expiration Dates
There are many, many more listed which may be helpful at the Real Simple website!
Posted by kamewh at 7:05 AM 1 comments
Labels: expiration dates, Real Simple
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Chlorine Filter in Shower

Posted by kamewh at 11:46 AM 0 comments
Labels: chlorine, dry skin, eco-friendly, filter, green, shower
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Cheese pumpkins
Cheese Pumpkins
8 tablespoons smoked Cheddar cold pack cheese food (from 8-oz container), well chilled
2 teaspoons finely chopped peanuts
4 butter-flavored pretzel spindles or sticks, broken in half
16 tiny pieces fresh parsley leaves
3. Just before serving, insert pretzel halves into cheese balls for pumpkin stems. Decorate with parsley for leaves. Store in refrigerator.
Posted by kamewh at 9:24 AM 2 comments
Labels: appetizer, cheesecake, decoration, fall, pumpkins, Thanksgiving
Monday, November 17, 2008
USDA's Food Guide Pyramid for Preschoolers
"If you take the USDA's Food Guide Pyramid and apply it to preschoolers, you can see how much fruit, vegetable, grain, dairy and meat make up a healthy preschooler diet. Some recommendations might be easy to meet - dairy and grains for instance. Others, like vegetables, are notoriously difficult. Here is a quick list of recommended servings from each food group for preschoolers. How is your preschooler stacking up?
The Food Guide Pyramid is one eating plan for a healthy diet. Here are food guide pyramid serving recommendations for preschoolers, ages 3-5:
Fruits: 1 to 1 1/2 cups
Vegetables: 1 to 1 1/2 cups
Grains: 3-5 oz (half should be whole grains)
Meat/Protein: 2-4 oz
Dairy: 2 cups"
The only area that we fall short in is the vegetable area My youngest will only eat corn, nothing else. My oldest will eat dark green lettuce salads and corn but that is it.
Posted by kamewh at 6:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: food pyramid, fruit, preschoolers, vegetables
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Snapfish Holiday Cards 1 cent each!
cost of photo card(s): 14.99
CARD08: -14.79
subtotal: 0.20
standard S&H: 2.99
WI Sales tax: 0.18
total: 3.37
Posted by kamewh at 9:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: holiday cards, photo, Snapfish
Coinstar $10.00 Holiday Bonus!
I never use the Coinstar machines because of the fees but right now they are running a special promotion where you put in $40.00 and you get $10.00 more free! No fees! Unforunately based on the info from the Coinstar site, the closest participating machine is an hour away from me so unless the ones near me join in on the promo I won't be taking advantage of this deal.
"Coinstar coin counting is FREE when you turn your coins into a gift card or eCert. Now through December 7th when you try our Free Coin Counting option and cash in $40 or more, we’ll send you a holiday bonus.
Find a Coinstar Center offering free coin counting near you:
Use the advanced machine locator to find a location near you, and which specific cards or eCertificates are offered. Just enter your zip code and choose "Prepaid Card" or "eCertificate" from the menu."
All of the instructions for how to get free coin counting and how to get the gift certificate bonus are on the Coinstar site :)
Posted by kamewh at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Always check Rx websites!
Posted by kamewh at 6:32 AM 2 comments
Labels: allergies, coupons, medication, Nasonex, prescription
Friday, November 14, 2008
A few free samples
Enter the No nonsense BETWEEN FRIENDS Contest and get 2 FREE pairs of No nonsense Breathable SOCKS
Dunhill London
Coupon book w/ $27 in savings
If you are a member of the US Armed Forces with an APO or FPO address-
The Carolina Sauce company- a free sauce gift box
Free sample of Fancy by Jessica Simpson
Vaseline Intensive Rescue Moisture Locking Lotion (member ID is not a required field)
Posted by kamewh at 2:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: free samples, freebies
Germs, germs, and more germs!
Doorknobs and TV remotes are germ hotbeds
(found on Yahoo News this morning)
By MARILYNN MARCHIONE, AP Medical Writer Marilynn Marchione, Ap Medical Writer – Wed Oct 29, 1:52 am ET AP –
"WASHINGTON – Someone in your house have the sniffles? Watch out for the refrigerator door handle. The TV remote, too. A new study finds that cold sufferers often leave their germs there, where they can live for two days or longer.
Scientists at the University of Virginia, long known for its virology research, tested surfaces in the homes of people with colds and reported the results Tuesday at the nation's premier conference on infectious diseases.
Doctors don't know how often people catch colds from touching germy surfaces as opposed to, say, shaking a sick person's hand, said Dr. Birgit Winther, an ear, nose and throat specialist who helped conduct the study.
Two years ago, she and other doctors showed that germs survived in hotel rooms a day after guests left, waiting to be picked up by the next person checking in.
For the new study, researchers started with 30 adults showing early symptoms of colds. Sixteen tested positive for rhinovirus, which causes about half of all colds. They were asked to name 10 places in their homes they had touched in the preceding 18 hours, and researchers used DNA tests to hunt for rhinovirus.
"We found that commonly touched areas like refrigerator doors and handles were positive about 40 percent of the time" for cold germs, Winther said.
All three of the salt and pepper shakers they tested were contaminated. Other spots found to harbor the germ: 6 out of 18 doorknobs; 8 of 14 refrigerator handles; 3 of 13 light switches; 6 of 10 remote controls; 8 of 10 bathroom faucets; 4 of 7 phones, and 3 of 4 dishwasher handles.
Next, the researchers deliberately contaminated surfaces with participants' mucus and then tested to see whether rhinovirus stuck to their fingers when they turned on lights, answered the phone or did other common tasks. More than half of the participants got the virus on their fingertips 48 hours after the mucus was smeared.
The study was sponsored by Reckitt-Benckiser Inc., makers of Lysol, but no products were tested in the research. The study, designed by doctors with no ties to the company, was an effort to lay the groundwork for future research on germs and ways to get rid of them.
In a separate study, the university's Drs. Diane Pappas and Owen Hendley went germ-hunting on toys in the offices of five pediatricians in Fairfax, Va., three times during last year's cold and flu season.
Tests showed fragments of cold viruses on 20 percent of all toys tested — 20 percent of those in the "sick child" waiting room, 17 percent in the "well child" waiting room, and 30 percent in a sack of toys that kids are allowed to choose from after being good for a shot.
"Mamas know this," Hendley said. "They say, `We go to a doctor for a well-child checkup, the kids play with the toys and two days later they have a cold.'"
There is no proof that the remnants themselves can infect, but their presence suggests a risk, said Dr. Paul Auwaerter, an infectious-diseases specialist at Johns Hopkins University. He was familiar with the study but had no role in it.
Doctors have long advised frequent hand-washing to avoid spreading germs. Wearing surgical masks and using hand sanitizers also can help, a novel University of Michigan study found.
About 1,000 students who live in dorms tested these measures for six weeks during the 2006-07 flu season. They were divided into three groups: those who wore masks, those who wore masks and used hand sanitizer, and those who did neither.
The two groups who used masks reported 10 percent to 50 percent fewer cold symptoms — cough, fever, chills — than the group who used no prevention measures.
Researchers note that the study was not "blinded" — everyone knew who was doing what, and mask wearers may have been less likely to report cold symptoms later because they believed they were taking steps to reduce that possibility.
The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention paid for the study.
The conference was a joint meeting of the American Society for Microbiology and the Infectious Diseases Society of America. "
While I am not going to go around wearing a surgical mask, I knew there was a reason that I don't let my children play with the toys at the doctor, even in the "well child" waiting area :)
Posted by kamewh at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: germs, preventing colds
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Free Photo Book at Snapfish (29.99 value!)
As seen on Oprah.com:
"Overwhelmed by what to do with growing piles of your child's art projects? Peter has a great solution! "Take digital photos of their artwork, upload them to Snapfish.com, and they will send you back a beautiful, bound book of the kids' artwork. So, over time, you can build a library of your children's artwork—let the pieces go, but keep them in this form forever."
To help you get organized, Snapfish.com is offering The Oprah Winfrey Show viewers a free 8" x 11" custom-cover photo book!
*Create a Snapfish.com account now or log in to your existing account to receive this special offer. Get your free book!
* This offer is only good for one standard 20-page 8" x 11" custom-cover photo book per household. Coupon dispersal ends at 11:59 p.m. PST Friday, November 14, 2008. Free photo book must be redeemed by 11:59 p.m. PST Sunday, November 16, 2008. Offer does not include customary shipping and handling changes or additional pages. Offer applies only to mail-order delivery to U.S. customers. Offer cannot be combined with other coupon codes. Coupon cannot be resold or otherwise transferred and is void on the earlier of redemption or the offer end date.
Due to heavy demand, you may experience some slowness navigating to the website. Please be patient and try again later."
I already have all of my pictures on Snapfish so it was easy to make a nice book for the grandparents for Christmas. The site was a little slow from all of the traffic when I was previewing my finished book but other than that I didn't have any issues.
You do pay shipping on the book and sales tax:
1 8"x11" custom cover book(s): 29.99
subtotal: 0.00
standard S&H:
WI sales tax:
Posted by kamewh at 8:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: free, Oprah, photo book, Snapfish
10 Signs of a Great Preschool
3. Teachers work with individual children, small groups, and the whole group at different times during the day. They do not spend all their time with the whole group.
4. The classroom is decorated with children's original artwork, their own writing with invented spelling, and stories dictated by children to teachers.
5. Children learn numbers and the alphabet in the context of their everyday experiences. The natural world of plants and animals and meaningful activities like cooking, taking attendance, or serving snack provide the basis for learning activities.
6. Children work on projects and have long periods of time (at least one hour) to play and explore. Worksheets are used little if at all.
7. Children have an opportunity to play outside every day. Outdoor play is never sacrificed for more instructional time.
8. Teachers read books to children individually or in small groups throughout the day, not just at group story time.
9. Curriculum is adapted for those who are ahead as well as those who need additional help. Teachers recognize that children's different background and experiences mean that they do not learn the same things at the same time in the same way.
10. Children and their parents look forward to school. Parents feel secure about sending their child to the program. Children are happy to attend; they do not cry regularly or complain of feeling sick. "
I was happy to see that my oldest son's preschool pretty much follows everything on this list. The only area in which they deviate in is #6. They do about 1-2 worksheets a day; however, they are optional worksheets and it is the child's choice whether or not he wishes to do them when he is at the certain station in the room.
Posted by kamewh at 10:50 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Turkey Cookie Treats
Prep Time: 1 hour 15 min
Total Time: 1 hour 15 min
Makes: 2 dozen cookies
1 pouch (1 lb 1.5 oz) Betty Crocker® sugar cookie mix
1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened
1 egg
1 container (12 oz) Betty Crocker® Whipped chocolate frosting
Candy corn
1 tube (4.25 oz) Betty Crocker® yellow decorating icing
Miniature candy-coated semisweet chocolate baking bits
1 tube (0.68 oz) Betty Crocker® black decorating gel
Posted by kamewh at 9:21 AM 3 comments
Labels: cookie, recipe, Thanksgiving
Monday, November 10, 2008
Fruit & Rice Cereal
Other than baby food rice cereal when they were infants, I have never fed my children rice for breakfast. They love eating rice at dinner so I figure why not try it in the morning to give them a little variety? It has been super cold here lately so what better than a nice, warm breakfast to start our day!
Tomorrow morning this is what we are going to try-
I found this recipe at Meatless Monday for Fruit & Rice Cereal:
(Makes 2 servings)
1 1/2 cups water
1/8 tsp. salt
1 cup quick-cooking brown rice
1/2 cup lowfat milk or soymilk
1/2 cup mixed dried fruit bits or raisins
3 tbsp. brown sugar
Dash of ground nutmeg
In a large saucepan bring water and the salt to the boiling point. Add rice and dried fruit.
Cover and simmer 12-14 minutes or until the rice is tender and liquid is nearly all absorbed. Stir in milk and nutmeg.
Serve with brown sugar.
Nutritional Info per Serving520 calories, 3g total fat, less than 1g saturated, 0 mg cholesterol, 115g carbohydrate, 9g protein, 5g fiber, 180mg sodium
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Using coffee grounds in a scrub and mayo in your hair?

When I was in high school I remember reading about how mayonnaise makes an excellent conditioner and I did try it once. The smell was not the greatest but I do remember that it made my hair look healthy and shiny. I just came across an article called Alternative Beauty: Make a Condiment into a Conditioner in which the Glamour Beauty author does the same thing and is very pleased with the results. Apparently they now even sell beauty products like Silk Elements Hair Mayonnaise Treatment (at Sally Beauty.) Obviously the plain old mayo straight out of the jar is a much cheaper alternative.
Posted by kamewh at 2:26 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Sam's Club Trade In and Recycle Program
For Sam's Club members, there is a Trade In and Recycle Program where you can send your electronics and they give you a trade-in amount in Sam's Club gift cards. You can check online for the value of your items and it is a very simple process. If they value it at nothing you are still able to recycle it with them for free anyway. They even will pay the shipping to them (for a limited time). I know around here to get rid of computers and other items we have to pay $10.00 for a computer tower and $15.00 for a monitor.
Here is the info that they list on their site better explaining the program:
"The Sam's Club Trade-In and Recycle Program is available only to members of Sam's Club who elect to trade in or recycle any qualifying consumer electronic product currently offered by the program. The list of qualifying products is displayed on the trade-in platform home page. Based on the configuration and condition of your item, Sam's Club will offer to purchase your item at the value displayed by the trade-in value estimator. All trade-in valuations are subject to final evaluation by our technical staff. If your item does not qualify for any trade-in value, you will be offered the opportunity to recycle your item for free. Our recycling program employs a zero tolerance landfill policy meaning all of the material that is subject to recycling is disassembled by hand, carefully separated and eventually utilized as feedstock for various raw material extraction processes (including smelting and refining). Shipping for both trade-in and recycle items is free."
Posted by kamewh at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: computer, green, landfill, mp3, printer, recycle, sam's club
Late Night Snacks
There is an interesting article on Yahoo Food called Late Night Snacks to Cure Every Distress. In the article they basically list certain foods to eat to deal with specific late night issues.
"If you're stressed to the max
Rich, sugary comfort foods actually do short-circuit stress, but they also contribute to belly fat. So try to resist the chocolate chip cookies and grab a handful of unsalted almonds instead. The satisfying crunch will help you work off your anxiety, while the B vitamins and magnesium help your brain make relaxing serotonin. And at only 160 calories for about 22 almonds, you won't add weight worries to your woes.
If you're just tossing and turning
Starchy carbs may help you nod off. Why? Foods that quickly raise your blood sugar also raise blood levels of the amino acid tryptophan, which the brain converts to mind-soothing serotonin. So unless you're a diabetic, microwave a potato, warm up some instant rice, pop an English muffin in the toaster, and wait for the Zs to happen.
If you're burning the midnight oil
You could mainline coffee to get your Powerpoint project done overnight, but that'll just leave you with a world-class case of jitters the next morning when it's time to run it by the boss. A better bet, believe it or not: a salad of dark greens and chopped veggies. Not only will the complex carbs in the veggies give you energy, they're full of folic acid, which new research suggests helps your brain work faster.
If you're on a diet or just plain hungry
Give that rumbling tummy a little bit of protein, like a low-fat cheese stick, some lean turkey, or even an egg-white omelet. Eating about a third of your daily calories in lean protein keeps you feeling full, and a there's new evidence that it may also help you burn a few extra calories while you sleep.
If you're pregnant
Forget the pickles, but have the ice cream. Extra calcium is excellent when you're eating for two.
Baby-and-Me Smoothie
½ cup fat-free vanilla ice cream (or 8 oz nonfat vanilla yogurt)
1 banana
1 cup frozen, unsweetened strawberries
1 Tbs. frozen orange juice concentrate.
Puree everything in a blender until creamy. Then put your feet up and enjoy every sip, knowing that you're getting about 340 mg of bone-building calcium -- more than 20% of your recommended daily value -- plus a bunch of vitamins and minerals, so the 373 calories are anything but empty. Even better: The milk protein and banana contain a bit of sleep-inducing tryptophan."
There are a lot of nights where I toss and turn. If I wake up at all in the middle of the night it is a good hour before I fall asleep again. I think next time I will pop an English muffin or a bagel in the toaster and see if it helps! I also thought that the part about eating a salad when having to stay up late was interesting!
Posted by kamewh at 3:44 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
TEASTA™ Free Samples
TEASTA™ is offering two free samples of their teas- I just ordered the Papaya Ginger White Tea Sample and the Wild Blueberry Green Tea Sample - I can't wait to try these, they sound delicious!! They have so many great varieties to choose from. Thanks to Money Saving Mom where I originally saw this posted.
"If you want to taste one of our available premium teas before purchasing, simply add a maximum of two different sample blends to your cart. Then, use the coupon code below and we will deliver it to you FREE of cost. We will deliver the free tea samples anywhere in the U.S. Expected delivery time would be 7 to 14 business days, sometimes earlier. This offer is for a limited time only, while supplies last! Limit one (1) order per household. Due to the high volume of requests for samples, we reserve the right to hold or cancel any order. However, we will try to accommodate all orders placed. Thank you for your interest in TEASTA&trade Tea."
Put in Coupon Code: TRYME at checkout and the order is completely free! You do not have to put in any payment info at all. Hurry! This probably will not last long!
UPDATE: On other sites some are reporting that it is asking them for CC # when checking out, it DID NOT ask me for CC# and I had a $0.00 balance at check out.
Posted by kamewh at 6:04 PM 1 comments
Autumn Cookie Wreath
Browsing through Shine on Yahoo I just came across this cute wreath originally posted on Country Living-
"STEP 1: Make enough dough for 48 three-inch cookies. Divide into four batches and tint each with food coloring. Create a multicolored patchwork by pressing pieces from each batch together on lightly floured parchment paper. Smooth with rolling pin. Chill for 15 minutes, then cut out cookies.
STEP 2: Create leaf veins with a toothpick, then sprinkle with sanding sugar, (available at candylandcrafts.com). And make extra cookies to snack on, in order to prevent "sampling" from the wreath while it's still on display.
STEP 3: Cut two wreath forms from sturdy cardboard and glue them together. Tie hanging wire around wreath, then "glue" on cookies with dollops of colored royal icing. Pour into zippered food bag; snip a corner to dispense. Let dry for several hours before hanging."
For more detailed photo instuctions click on one of the links above.
I think this wreath is SO cute, I just don't think it would last long as a decoration in this house unless I made it when the boys weren't home and they didn't know that it was made out of cookies :)
Posted by kamewh at 1:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: cookie, country living, wreath
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Philadelphia Caramel Pecan Cheesecake

In the Kraft Food & Family newsletter that I just received there was a delicious looking recipe that I am definitely going to have to try! It has excellent reviews :)
PHILADELPHIA Caramel Pecan Cheesecake
Prep Time:
15 min
Total Time:
5 hr Makes:
16 servings
What You Need:
50 NILLA Wafers, crushed (about 1-1/2 cups)
1 cup chopped PLANTERS Pecans, divided
1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter, melted
4 pkg. (8 oz. each) PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese, softened
1 cup sugar
1 cup BREAKSTONE'S or KNUDSEN Sour Cream
3 Tbsp. flour
1 Tbsp. vanilla
4 eggs
1/4 cup caramel ice cream topping
Make It:
HEAT oven to 325°F. Line 13x9-inch pan with foil, with ends extending over sides. Mix crumbs, 1/2 cup nuts and butter; press onto bottom of pan. Refrigerate until ready to use.
BEAT cream cheese and sugar in large bowl with mixer until blended. Add sour cream, flour and vanilla; mix well. Add eggs, 1 at a time, mixing on low speed after each just until blended. Pour over crust.
BAKE 45 min. or until center is almost set. Cool. Refrigerate 4 hours. Use foil handles to lift cheesecake from pan. Drizzle with topping; top with remaining nuts. Let stand until topping is set.
Posted by kamewh at 6:02 AM 1 comments
Labels: cheesecake, dessert, recipe