Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Gloves in a Bottle Reviewers Wanted

Pete at Gloves in a Bottle just e-mailed me to let me know that he will send product to any other bloggers willing to post a review on their website.

If you are interested in doing this please leave a comment with your e-mail address and I will send you his e-mail contact info.

It really is a great product!! (see my review below!)


Rhonda said...

gloves in a bottle? sound very interesting, I do love gloves.

forward my email please! and Thanks!


Angela said...

I would love to try this. My daughter has eczema and I am wondering if this would help. I would be glad to review on my blog.


Unknown said...

Hi, thanks for posting this. I work at a hospital and am constantly washing my hands and using that alcohol foam. You should see my hands when I get off shift. It's bad. I'd love to write a review if it helps. I've been looking into how to do reviews and giveaways from reviews but have no idea how to begin. Any info? Thanks!


Kerri said...

I'd love to try it! My husband was just saying last night that his hands are really dry and he keeps putting lotion on and in a few minutes they're dry again. My email address is kerripchef@netzero.com


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