Sunday, November 16, 2008

Coinstar $10.00 Holiday Bonus!

I never use the Coinstar machines because of the fees but right now they are running a special promotion where you put in $40.00 and you get $10.00 more free! No fees! Unforunately based on the info from the Coinstar site, the closest participating machine is an hour away from me so unless the ones near me join in on the promo I won't be taking advantage of this deal.

"Coinstar coin counting is FREE when you turn your coins into a gift card or eCert. Now through December 7th when you try our Free Coin Counting option and cash in $40 or more, we’ll send you a holiday bonus.

Find a Coinstar Center offering free coin counting near you:

Use the advanced machine locator to find a location near you, and which specific cards or eCertificates are offered. Just enter your zip code and choose "Prepaid Card" or "eCertificate" from the menu."

All of the instructions for how to get free coin counting and how to get the gift certificate bonus are on the Coinstar site :)


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