Monday, August 25, 2008

I've been tagged!

I was tagged a couple of days ago by Thunderclouds and a Furrowed Brow and here are the "rules":

* Share 7 facts about yourself on your Blog, some random, some weird.

*Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

*Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their Blog.

My 7 facts:

1. I love eating Feta cheese crumbles straight out of the container.

2. I won the Spelling Bee in 8th grade.

3. I love reality TV shows, especially Survivor and The Apprentice.

4. Black olives are among my least favorite foods, but I love liver and onions.

5. I love trying new recipes, especially crockpot ones!

6. Our dog is named Lit'l Ann from the book "Where the Red Fern Grows."

7. I collect the old Nancy Drew books.

The 7 people I am tagging are:



Terra Garden

Centsible Mommy

Good & Crazy People

Baseballs & Bows

Life's Sweet Passions


Penelope said...

Thanks for the tag! I'll get to work on my post!

Terra said...

This is the first time I've been tagged and it looks like fun.
I will blog this soon.

Vodka Mom said...

OMG. I am getting ready to sell all my old Nancy Drew Books!! I have many of the ones I read when I was little, and collected many of the old blue ones.!!!
let me know if you're interested!

p.s. your blog kicks ass.

Vodka Mom said...

AND I love reality shows, Survivor and Project Runway. Are we related? Do you drink vodka?

fill me in, honey, fill me in.

Anonymous said...

Feta cheese is my favourite!

Vickie said...

Thanks for the tag! I am gonna post and tag my 7 tomorrow!

Anna said...

I love crock pot recipes, too!!

ChefDruck said...

Fun facts! Congrats on the spelling bee!

SouthernDogwoods said...

Wow! Great things to share! Thanks for playing along with my give-a-way - good luck! Hope you win!

Trina said...

hey, you won the drawing over at my blog last month - come on over and claim your prize!

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Okay....FINALLY. I'm getting to this. But um...I don't do tags the right way. I mostly make fun of beware! Thanks for thinking of me!

Dana said...

very cute blog.... love it!!

Thanks for visiting my blog!! Stop by again soon!

Penelope said...

I used to love Nancy Drew! I haven't read any lately, but I plan to read some more soon!

kirstikoo said...

Thank you for entering the diaperdoo giveaway! Though you were not a winner, I'd like to give you 15% off my etsy store. I didn't get your email address, so email me for details:

Heather said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by The Gift Closet & entering my giveaway. I enjoyed reading your blog and saw you were in MOPS a few years ago. I am in MOPS as well & love it! Anyway, good luck in the contest & thanks for stopping by! :)


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